Thursday, February 12, 2009


I'm in Sukouthai. Tomorrow we bike ride through Sukouthai's temples and then take a bus to the River Guest house outside of Lompang. From Lompang we travel into the mountains to the Elephant hospital. I'm with an interesting group of 12; mostly Australians, a couple of Brits and one German (thank God because he's a big, loud, hairy TRIP). I spent my first two days in Bangkok and experienced the most intense sensory overload. Luckily the confusion over whether to eat myself silly or shop myself into the poor house was such that I was thrown into a tail spin so severe that nothing other than a Thai massage could help lull me back to sanity. I've made it a daily routine to keep it a mellow laid back trip. I've just returned from this evening's night-time rubdown. The lady walked, kneaded and prodded me in ways that made me believe I would leave a foot taller.

While in Bangkok I did manage to visit the Royal Palace. I spent the entire day and took many pictures. I've never seen anything quite like it. I don't have the words right now to describe the extent to which the Thai show homage to their culture and history through their art. The detail, density and color cannot be rivaled. My pictures show, but do not give their art justice.

The Thai LOVE their royalty and in fact, no matter where you are at 8a.m. and 6 pm. everyone stops and sings the national song to the royal family. 8 am. this morning, we were in the train station. A policeman blew his whistle and waived everyone to stand up. I followed as everyone turned toward the giant portrait of the king and began to sing. People are very serious about it and it is a serious offence (maybe illegal) to disrespect the family in any way. I'll write you again later. I've done and seen much more than I say here but I'm deeply tired right now -- or maybe it's just the mosquitoes draining me. Much love, Jilala

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